With leadership, friendship, and service, our campus and the Tuscaloosa community can reach its full potential.
UA CKI Weekly Update: 2/27 – 3/5
Thank you!
Pancake Day with Kiwanis went off without a hitch! We are so grateful for everyone who came out to support and volunteer. We sold 500 eat-in and 189 carry-out plates. Our club will be receiving some of the proceeds from this fundraiser to help fund our events!
We are having issues with room reservations for this semester, and for that we sincerely apologize. We are working to find the best space for us to meet every week. That being said, WE WILL BE IN LLOYD 132 THIS TUESDAY. See you at 7:30 pm!
Upcoming Events and Service Opportunities:
- Tuesday (2/28): Service meeting! We will be making blankets to donate to people in need. We will also hold a 2nd round of nominations for board positions. Lloyd 132, 7:30pm.
- Thursday (3/2): Food pantry shifts available. Sign up here.
- Tuesday (3/7): fundraiser! More details to come.
- Thursday (3/9): Food pantry shifts available. Sign up here.
- Tuesday (3/14): Food pantry shifts available. Sign up here.
- Thursday (3/16): Food pantry shifts available. Sign up here.
- Tuesday (3/21):
- Elections! Candidates for executive board (not chair positions) will each give a 1 minute presentation on why they are suitable for the position. This is also the last chance to be nominated for a position.
- Food pantry shifts available. Sign up here.
- Thursday (3/23): Food pantry shifts available. Sign up here.
- Saturday (3/25): Volunteering at Tuscaloosa 5k/Half-Marathon. Sign up will be made available closer to event.
- You can find online service hour opportunities here!
- Dues for students coming in during the Spring semester are $25. Pay in cash to Jesse or Venmo @UACircleK-International
- In the description, include: first and last name, T-shirt size, and graduation month and year
- dues go towards international membership, a T-shirt, goodies at the end of the year, and funding for needed club materials
- NEW MEMBER REQUIREMENTS: to become a member, you must obtain and log at least 6 service hours, attend a New Member Orientation, attend 5 meetings throughout the semester, and pay dues for the year.
- Please remember to check our Instagram (@uacirclek) and GroupMe regularly for updates.
- Please remember that you must attend AT LEAST FIVE of our meetings every semester.
- Do any service outside of CKI? Awesome! Don’t forget to submit your hours here, under “Submit Service Hours!”
Tuesday (2/14):
Service is the heart of Circle K. We have a variety of service projects each week that vary in date, time, length, and focus. We do many projects that benefit the campus and community.
We want to develop the leadership skills of each of our members. Leadership is prevalent throughout our organization with opportunities such as project chairing roles, board member positions, and leading by example for our fellow members.
Stay in the Circle!
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