We’re in the home stretch of the semester with one more month to go! This is a BIG week for our club. We will be doing one of our signature service projects, Luminaries, to support the project Brick x Brick. If you didn’t get a chance to sign up, don’t worry! You can show up and help out at any point in the day from 8AM-8PM. We will not be holding a formal meeting this Tuesday.
Upcoming Events and Service Opportunities:
Tuesday (11/08):
Luminaries! We need all the help we can get. Sign up to volunteer here
Food Pantry shifts available. Sign up to volunteer here
Thursday (11/10): Food Pantry shifts available. Sign up to volunteer here
Friday (11/11): We are volunteering at the TMAS! Register to help outhere
Monday (11/14): Food Pantry shifts available. Sign up to volunteer here
Tuesday (11/15): Food Pantry shifts available. Sign up to volunteer here
Thursday (11/17): RSVP to the end-of-year banquet ASAP! You can do that here
Banquet will be potluck style; please sign up with what you are bringinghere
Food Pantry shifts available. Sign up to volunteer here
Dues are overdue and must be paid by Nov 15th to become an official member. Pay in cash to Jesse or Venmo @UACircleK-International
In the description, include: first and last name and graduation month and year (T-shirts cannot be guaranteed if you paid after Oct. 11th)
$50 covers dues for the year, a T-shirt, goodies at the end of the year, and funding for needed club materials
NEW MEMBER REQUIREMENTS: to become a member, you must obtain and log at least 6 service hours, attend a New Member Orientation, attend 5 meetings throughout the semester, and pay dues for the year.
Please remember to check our Instagram (@uacirclek) and GroupMe regularly for updates.
Please remember that you must attend AT LEAST FIVE of our meetings every semester.
Do any service outside of CKI? Awesome! Don’t forget to submit your hours in the Linktree below under “Submit Service Hours!”