Ready to make new friends and meet people in our circle? Scroll below to see some fun events we do throughout the year!
Holiday Socials
We’re never one to shy away from holiday festivities! We’ve been known to play Halloween games, hold Thanksgiving potlucks, and do Valentines activities!

Annual Lake Nicol Cookout
At the end of the Spring semester, UA CKI members enjoy each other’s company with a lake day! It is a great time for members to relax and see their friends one more time before Summer!
Dinner Outings
One social UA members enjoy is going to dinner together! This is something we often do and it gives members an opportunity to socialize more outside of the club meetings. We in UA CKI love food and hope you do too!

Every semester, we hold a banquet to recognize our members’ hard work and dedication. We also hold elections for open positions as well as install new executive board members.